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Tired of wishing away those fine lines in the mirror each morning? Me too. As a new mom and trainer, I totally get it. The mounting pressure you feel on a daily basis to be able to “do it all” and keep your youthful glow only adds more stress and anxiety to an already overloaded to-do list. Rather than allowing this vicious cycle to continue, I tapped into my expertise as a yogi. Below are some of the most effective face yoga exercises you can do to get rid of wrinkles, so listen up, and get excited.

Just as yoga can be used as a tool to stretch, strengthen, and restore the muscles of your body, you can do the same thing for your face. Not only can face yoga exercises reduce wrinkles, but they also increase circulation, decrease inflammation, and provide a dewy glow that can build self-confidence in the most natural way. What’s not to love about face yoga?